Thursday, 16 December 2010

Christmau5 elves.

Because it's almost christmas and I'm a big fan of the JibJab brothers... Heres Deadmau5 doing a christmas dance for your viewing pleasure... Or displeasure...

Wednesday, 15 December 2010

Bitches don't know about my short bread

I cooked Deadmau5 and Skrillex today and they were delicious!




Lol Canadian fail.

Sunday, 12 December 2010

A pre-gift for TDC and another .gif.

So, here's a little pre-gift for my wonderful daft family over at The Daft Club because I love them so much and I'm not sure I can finish the actual gift I'm working on before Chistmas.

It seems to have gone down quite well on DeviantArt aswell with a whole 11 favourites... Yes thats right 11!! favourites (no Srsly, thank you to everyone that faved, love you loads)

And, I was puuuracticing my lighting with photography on friday night, so heres a .GIF with the random shots I took.

Thursday, 9 December 2010

Generic night time photography



My brother and I went for a wonder around Excel London and the surrounding area. It's very pretty at night.

Wednesday, 8 December 2010

I made something today

Okay, so I gave up on the 30 days photo challenge, whatever, It was boring anyways right? lol. So today I got my copy of Daft Punks Tron soundtrack in the mail and it is ... A-MAZ-ING! I absolutely love it! So, I thought I'd celebrate with a little something...

Thursday, 2 December 2010

30 day challange - Day 8

Day 8 - A picture that makes you laugh.

I could pick out of literally thousands of pictures that make me laugh... However... There is one photograph on my PC that never fails to have me in a fit of laughter. It's a picture of my mums cat, Lady (of the Sith) and it's a funny picture anyways, but if you lived with, or even have met this cat, it's just that little bit more hilarious.

That cat btw, is pure evil, which is why I call her Lady of the Sith. She's also scared of EVERYTHING IN THE WORLD... Except my mother.

Wednesday, 1 December 2010

30 day challange - Day 7

Day 7 - A picture of your most treasured item.

I probably would have said my phone was my most treasured item but it wasn't broken lol. It's like "If your house was on fire... What one item would you grab" and since my phone (unbroken) would most likely already be either be in my hand or my pocket, I wouldn't have to grab it... Right. So instead, I'd have to say, probably, My PC. If I could pick the damned thing up lol. It's huge!

There he is next to a 2L bottle of Dr. Pepper... I know, I know... He's awesome.

Tuesday, 30 November 2010

30 day challange - Day 6

Day 6 - A picture of someone you'd love to switch places with for a day.

I don't think there is anyone in teh world I'd love to switches places with for a day... Though I would love to be a guy for a day... Just to own one of these for a day.

I'd put it in things.

Monday, 29 November 2010

30 day challange - Days 3, 4 and 5.

Before I start today's 30 day Challenge, I just wanna say a huge thank you to all the people on Deviant Art who recently 'favourited' my Daft Punk pieces. Makes me feel better knowing that it isn't just that one deadmau5 painting that people like. I love you guys <3


Day 3 - A picture of the cast of your favourite TV show.

So, I'm not sure I can use my own photo for this challenge, since I've not met any of them, but... Well, it's Top Gear...

I love these three middle aged *cough* old *cough* men more than I love Daft Punk. (Sorry my beautiful Frenchies, but it's true) and inb4 my mum saying "Ha ha you love wrinkly old men"... It's not that kind of love. Eww. Once I found Top Gear fan fiction (otherwise known as 'slash') and tried to read it for the lulz... I cried. And vomited. And then cried into my own vomit.
Anyways, I'm going off topic. So since the whole... B... B.... Be... Ben Collins... fiasco, I've grown to love Top Gear even more. Like an old injured dog. Or something. Perhaps I should get Jeremy to do my metaphors next time...
However, I do still love The Stig. It's not his fault he was played by a greedy money grabbing slimeball of a man (Btw you can read more about my hatred for Ben Collins here) So I drew this to cheer myself up during the trail a few months ago...

Day 4 - A Picture of my night.

Hmm... I can't really take a photograph of what my night is right now, but this picture pretty much sums up most of my nights...

Day 5 - A picture of my favourite memory.

One of, if not the best night of my life. Deadmau5 unhooked, August 2009. I hate that he's responsible for giving me the best night of my life though. Hmm... Take that as you will.

Friday, 26 November 2010

30 day challange - Day 2

30 day challange  day 3 - A picture of you and the person you've been closest to longest.

My best friend Nancy. We met in secondary school when we were about 11 or 12 or some shit. We're both a little bit crazy. But ya know, I have the funniest times with her, she makes me laugh so much <3

I'm very close to all of my friends, but this is the girl I would tell all my deepest darkest secrets to.

Thursday, 25 November 2010

30 day challange - Day 1

Day 1 - A Picture of yourself with 15 facts

I did this on Tumblr a while back, but this time I'll try harder to us my own photographs or drawings, I think It'll be more fun and interesting that way. Anyways, 15 facts....

1. I spend way to much time on the Internet.
2. I'm currently studying photography and illustration as a combined Honours at university (Year 1)
3. That picture isn't the most recent on of me, that's not even my real hair, it's just the most recent one that I look decent in.
4. I'm a bit of a geek. I like Star Wars and Comic books and films about zombies etc etc. The usual geeky things I guess.
5. I very rarely drink anything other than Dr. Pepper.
6. I have two cats that I adore! If you hurt them, I will kill you. Slowly and painfully.
7. I love Top Gear and cars. I also collect Stig related items because I'm kinda lame like that.
8. I'm a huge fan of Daft Punk and moderate a forum dedicated to them. I also moderate a forum dedicated to Deadmau5. But he sucks right?
9. I like Astronomy. I love watching the stars y'know? Like finding constellations and stuff. I dunno, it just really interests me.
10. I hate Apple. Like, with a passion (Not as much as I hate Ben collins, but pretty darn close)
11. I play a lot of games on PC because I have a kick ass gaming PC (which beats your Mac in every way.. Whatever, talk to the motherboard)
12. I love Canada. I don't know why.
13. I get angry about a lot of really unimportant shit (which I have a blog for btw
14. Contrary to popular belief... I very rarely drink alcohol.
15. I'm better than you in pretty much every way imaginable. Deal with it.

So.... Now you know me a little better, call me sometime? Maybe we could have rough sex in an alleyway and never see each other again, I'll have a baby and live on government benefits for the rest of my life while you go off and have a successful career and earn a ton of cash. No not really... I wouldn't hook up with you.

See you tomorrow.

Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Deadmau5 fans...

 Dear internet,
I do not and will not sell my 'Deadmau5 splat painting' (as it's so affectionatly been nicknamed) to you. It is not for sale. Never was. Never will be. Please, for the love of what little sanity I have left, stop asking me.

HOWEVER.... I have recently made a video for you guys, should you wish to do you own versions of the painting.

Sunday, 21 November 2010


I've recently made up with photoshop. We fell out two years ago because Apple got involved in our relationship and ruined everything. But, my University lecturer insisted we started working together again. And although Apple was still there, I acted professionally and adultly. (Plus, I think he wants a threesome with me and PC)

Anyways, this isn't much, but it's a start...

 The last photograph was taken by Webb Bland (Who is awesome) the previous two were taken by me.

Thursday, 18 November 2010


Well since Tumblr hates me (probably because I said it's members wouldn't be able to 'invade' 4chan) I've decided to move my Art blog over to the much cooler 'blogger'. So I'll be posting all my art work for no one to see. It'll be great I promise.

Also... Even if Tumblr begs to have me back.. Not doing it, I can't stand the scene kids on there all tying to out-do each other with the amount of tattoo pictures they can post and less clothes they can wear without actually being naked.

Also also... I can garentee this blog will be full of Deadmau5 stuff, mostly me calling him names. Sorry, I just can't stop it, it just happens.