Thursday, 18 November 2010


Well since Tumblr hates me (probably because I said it's members wouldn't be able to 'invade' 4chan) I've decided to move my Art blog over to the much cooler 'blogger'. So I'll be posting all my art work for no one to see. It'll be great I promise.

Also... Even if Tumblr begs to have me back.. Not doing it, I can't stand the scene kids on there all tying to out-do each other with the amount of tattoo pictures they can post and less clothes they can wear without actually being naked.

Also also... I can garentee this blog will be full of Deadmau5 stuff, mostly me calling him names. Sorry, I just can't stop it, it just happens.

1 comment:

  1. HI STACEY!!!! welcome to the darkside tha tis blogspot. <3
