Thursday 2 June 2011

Moar Digital

So, since being fired I've pretty much been doing digital paintings non-stop. I gotta fill my time with something I guess, so here's some more...

The Lindsey Gayle
A gift for Deadmau5's lady.

Vikki Blows

Got Mau5? version II
Bigger version -

A Mau5 Storm.
I was actually meant to sort through my Deviations today, which I did actually start doing, but then got to this ( and decided it would be AWESOME if I did a digital painting of it. It wasn't awesome, it just killed like and hour of time.

I also didn't intend for it to be all swirly/surface of the sun/hurricany like that, but I accidentally did one or two at the beginning and I thought it looked cool or something.

I REALLY need to stop doing Mau5 related artwork. I do other things that no one bothers to look at ya know.

Zombie Clarkson.

Self Portrait.


I did a pencil version of this a loooooooooooooong time ago, but I found it again today while rummaging through old folders, thought i'd do a coloured, digital version for shit's n giggles, Took about 3 hours or someshit.

Also, I forget who the original artist of this is, but the original is mirrored and the lady has a ponytail, but yeh, whoever it is, credits go to them for the original drawing.

If you are the original artist, I'm sorry, I tried my very best to find you, I thought maybe I'd faved this, but I hadn't and I couldn't find you. If you want me to take this down then of course I will.

If you know the original artist please let them know I'm looking for them, thanks.

I guess thats it for now, They'll be more along the soon I'm sure, but I really need to find my camera charger 

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